Transition 4.0

Our products are “technologically advanced tangible capital goods” – find out all the benefits



Support and incentivize enterprises that invest in new tangible and intangible capital goods functional to the technological and digital transformation of production processes intended for production facilities located in the territory of the state.


All enterprise that make investments in new capital goods intended for production facilities located in Italy are granted a tax credit under the following conditions : “Technogically advanced tangible capital goods


  • 50% of the cost for the portion of investments up to 2.5 million
  • 30% of the cost for the portion of investments over 2.5 million and up to the total eligible cost limit of 10 million
  • 10% of the cost for the portion of investment between 10 million euros and up to the total eligible cost limit of 20 million euros.

The tax credit is granted for investments made until Dec. 31,2022, provided that by Dec. 31, 2021, the relevant order has been accepted by the seller and down payments of at least 20 percent of the acquisition cost have been made.


  • 40% of the cost for the portion of investments up to 2.5 million
  • 20% of the cost for the portion of investments over 2.5 million and up to the total eligible cost limit of 10 million
  • 10% of the cost for the portion of investment between 10 million euros and up to the total eligible cost limit of 20 million euros.

The tax credit is granted for investments made until Sept. 30,2023, provided that by Dec. 31, 2022, the relevant order has been accepted by the seller and down payments of at least 20 percent of the acquisition cost have been made.

2023 to 2025

  • 20% of the cost for the portion of investments up to 2.5 million
  • 10% of the cost for the portion of investments over 2.5 million and up to the total eligible cost limit of 10 million
  • 5% of the cost for the portion of investment between 10 million euros and up to the total eligible cost limit of 20 million euros.
  • 5% of the cost for the portion of investment exceeding 10 million up to the maximum total eligible cost limit of 50 million of the investments included in the NRP, directed to the realization of transition objectives identified by decree of the Minister of Economic Development, in consultation with the Minister of Ecological Transition and the Minister of Economy and Finance.

The tax credit is granted for investments made until June 30,2026, provided that by Dec. 31, 2025, the relevant order has been accepted by the seller and down payments of at least 20 percent of the acquisition cost have been made.


All enteprises resident in the territory of the state, including permanent establishments of non-residents, regardless of their legal nature, economic sector, size, accounting regime and system of determining icnome for tax purpose.

The tax credit for investment in other traditional tangible capital goods i salso granted to persons involved in the arts and professions, persons under the flat-rate scheme, agricultural enterprises and maritime enterprises.

Enterprises in voluntary liquidation, bankruptcy, compulsory liquidation, arrangement with creditors without business continuity, other bankruptcy proceedings are excluded. Also excluded are companies subject to prohibitory sanctions under Article 9, paragraph 2, of Legislative Devree No. 231 of June 8, 2001.

Entitlement to this benefit is subject to the condition of compliance with workplace safety regulations and the proper fulfillment of obligations to pay social security and welfare contributions on behalf of workers.


For technologically advanced tangible and intangible assets, companies are required to produce a sworn technical report iussed by an engineer or industrial expert regirtered in their respective professional registrers or a certicate of conformity iussed by an accredited certification body, showing that the assets possess technical characteristics such as to include them in the lists in annexes A and B, respctively, and are interconnected to the company’s production management system or supply network. For goods whose unit acquisition cost does not exceed 300,000 euros, a statement made by the legal representative is sufficient.



See also